6/20/15 Public Investigation of Milford Historical Society Properties



Eells-Stow House

Evening in Review

Throughout the evening, all three groups who entered the Eells-Stow House were able to experience certain unexplainable events which occurred. The first group not only captured excellent photos of light anomalies but certain individuals had personal experiences as well. One female investigator saw the image of a young boy amidst the flash of a camera, about 10 years of age, standing in the first floor room containing the upright writing desk. The boy was standing within the circle we had all made and when he was acknowledged, numerous individuals felt cold spots. Cold spots are typically a way for spirits to attempt to communicate or manifest by drawing in energy from their immediate surroundings. With that energy being drawn in, heat is drawn in as well, creating a cooler temperature difference in that area.
Upon entering the upstairs bedroom on the right, some people were hit with a thick sensation of energy which caused a feeling of dizziness. It only appeared that the first few people to enter the room felt this. The remaining half of the group to enter the room did not experience this feeling.

The second group in the Eells-Stow House had a very interesting K2 meter session in the upstairs bedroom on the left, specifically in front of the chair in the corner, where the meter was most active. One female investigator had brought up the topic of witchcraft in Connecticut, to which the meter responded by its multi-colored lights illuminating, at one point all the way to red, signaling a very high level of energy present. A man-made source was not able to be located as the cause of this high energy spike. When mentioning the Connecticut witch trials again, the meter again responded. Further inquiries into the witch trials resulted in no further meter activity. When focus turned toward the chair, where a female investigator who was sensitive felt a strong burst of energy, a photo containing a light anomaly (an orb) was captured. Temperature fluctuations of the mel-meter’s digital thermometer also lowered on command at this time, dropping from 70 degrees to 68 and down to 66.
Another female investigator, also a sensitive, felt as if a person had passed away in the room and began feeling pain and strong discomfort. She mentioned that if she is feeling only half the pain and discomfort that the person who had passed away in the room felt, that it was most likely a very painful and agonizing death. She also felt the person who passed away may have had a breathing issue, as she herself felt short of breath.

For the third group who entered the Eells-Stow House, things started off slow but as the hour went on, one female investigator had developed an earache as she entered the downstairs room containing the upright writing desk. The sensation became so uncomfortable that she had to leave the room. Once outside of the room, her earache vanished. She again started to not feel well in the upstairs bedroom on the left, where K2 meter fluctuations and where an investigator from the previous group had felt a painful death had occurred. The female investigator in this third group eventually had to leave this room as well, in which she felt better out in the hallway. About this time, NPIS’s Adam and another female investigator felt as if they were touched simultaneously, Adam on the back of his right arm and the female investigator on her right ankle.



Photo 1 of 3:  Upstairs bedroom on the left, where a female investigator in the second group felt someone had passed away and another in the third group had to leave the room after feeling ill. In this photo from the second group, strong K2 meter fluctuations were being obtained around a chair in the corner of the room. This photo contains no visual evidence of spirit activity.

Photo 2 of 3: An orb (ball of energy) appears as the K2 meter continues to fluctuate near the chair. Notice the rim around the orb and the pattern within it, typical traits of this type of energy.

Photo 3 of 3:  The orb is now gone as the K2 meter stops fluctuating. These three photos were taken in a matter of about 8 seconds.



While the third group was upstairs in the bedroom to the left using the mel-meter, NPIS’s Adam was explaining what had taken place with the previous group, that temperature fluctuations on that device had occurred on command. While this was being discussed, a whisper can be heard which appears to be saying “I did it”, almost as if the spirit is taking pride in the fact it had manipulated the device.


Clark-Stockade House



Personal experiences among investigators were plentiful at the Clark-Stockade House, in which dowsing rods and pendulums were used as well as scientific equipment. One female investigator reported feeling pressure on her mouth and stomach near the tallboy chest of drawers in the dining room. It was felt by sensitives in the group that a little girl was interacting with them.

Another female investigator in the bedroom became extremely dizzy while using the dowsing rods. The longer she held the rods and the faster and more erratic they spun, the hotter her hands became until she mentioned the rods were burning her hands. An intuitive in this group felt the presence of a man who had lived in the home for a very long time. Both the dowsing rods and pendulum responded to inquiries regarding the man belonging to the Clark family, whom the home was built for.

A female investigator, who was holding an EMF meter, reported feeling touched and became frightened, wanting NPIS’s Mark to take the meter from her. After a few moments the meter was returned to her and immediately spiked up to red, signaling a very high level of energy present. Another female investigator at this time became emotional and experiencing shortness of breath, had to step outdoors. A third female investigator at this time asked whether the energy being felt was that of a young girl to which the EMF meter, dowsing rods and pendulum all signaled yes in their respective ways.

A male investigator, who happened to be a sensitive, had activity occur with the dowsing rods in the kitchen and had picked up on the name of the spirit communicating with him as Mrs. Clark, claiming to be the mother of the little girl’s spirit previously communicated with in the dining room.

While in the bedroom, NPIS’s Pam felt something hot pass by her while NPIS’s Mark felt something cool pass by him, both investigators feeling these sensations simultaneously.

The same female investigator who felt the young girl in the dining room now felt her in the parlor. At this time, the same female investigator who previously has to step outside became emotional and was unable to continue with her questions toward the spirit. NPIS’s Mark’s digital camera batteries, though newly inserted into the camera prior to this group’s investigation, were completely drained as was his phone battery, a common occurrence around spiritual energy.

In the dining room, one female investigator became nauseas while another reported smelling smoke while the group was conducting an EVP session as to whether someone had passed away in the home. A short time later, a sensitive female investigator picked up on the name Andrew. Another sensitive in the room began experiencing ringing in her ears while NPIS’s Pam and Mark reported hearing static.

As NPIS’s Pam entered the kitchen, she saw a flash of light around a crucifix on the fireplace mantle. Strong EMF spikes occurred shortly after. A female investigator using dowsing rods indicated they were pointing to the chair by the fireplace. When a pendulum was brought out and used by the chair, other people in the room experienced chills and itching sensations. Responses with the pendulum hit on a possible contact with Deacon Clark, one of the home’s former inhabitants.

While in the bedroom, one female investigator felt a cold sensation on her right leg just below her waist. Dowsing rods being used by a male investigator pointed to the woman at this time, who then said that it felt as if her right thigh were being squeezed.

An orb was captured in the bedroom while an investigator uses dowsing rods in an effort to communicate with a spirit.

A rare orb in motion captured in the dining room. Orbs are said to be the easiest way for a spirit to manifest and present itself. Usually, they appear to be stationary but on occasion, it is possible to capture an orb in motion as can be seen by the “tail” on the right side of it, showing it is headed in the direction of the investigators.

Another orb presents itself in front of the investigator holding the dowsing rods as the group attempts to communicate with one of the numerous spirits felt in the home during the evening.


While the second group was in the kitchen, one male investigator, a sensitive, was picking up on the energy of a woman who presented herself to him as Mrs. Clark, explaining that she was the mother of the little girl the group had previously communicated with in the dining room. This EVP occurs in between the investigator’s two questions. We are unable to determine was is being said in this EVP.

A female investigator in the dining room felt the presence of a little girl, whom she would also feel later in the parlor. Whether this is the same little girl’s spirit which Group 2 had interacted with is unknown. This EVP was captured after the investigator asks for the spirit she was feeling to touch her hand. We are unable to determine what is being said in this EVP.

Bryan-Downs House



The tarot cards pulled at the start of the night said it would be a night of discovery; that our actions would lead us to something new discovered about our physical location, and that is just what happened throughout the night at the Bryan-Downs house. This first group experienced extremely high levels of energy. Those able to connect with their pendulums got some pretty amazing results, most notably the initials M and F coming up over and over again on the pendulum charts. When the lights were turned on and before walking downstairs, all were stunned to see that the headstone of Colonial resident Mary Fowler was there in the room. No one had seen the name on the stone before. It was an exciting moment.

Similar to the first group, the initials M and F came up numerous times as the pendulum charts were used. Several of the pendulums were clearly connecting with energies in the room. Cindy’s pendulum zoomed back and forth, rotating at the same time, as she and others in the group asked questions. The yes/no questions led to the message that one of the spirits in the room was a male who lived in the house, died during the Revolutionary War and came back to be with family who lived in the house. It was unclear whether the spirits of those family members were also there with us, but the male spirit expressed he was happy to have visitors.

Asking questions with the pendulum led to this group discovering that we could have been accompanied by as many as nine spirits that evening–one male and eight females. Some many have been related to the Civil War clothing on the mannequins. Again, pendulums were pointing to the letter M, but the letter S also was repeated several times …. with thoughts that it might be a Sarah or a Sophia. Like with Groups 1 and 2, there was also some successful scrying. No clear images of any outside energies were seen, but several people were able to see their own energy/auras, or those of the person sitting next to them. Remember that scrying takes a lot of practice. Quiet locations and other similar best settings to fall into a relaxed, meditative state are also optimal.

As tarot cards were pulled out during Group 1’s activities, they showed it would be a night of discoveries.

A lone orb outside the Bryan-Downs House in between the changing of groups.

The result of spiritual energy in close proximity to the camera. This isn’t a photo of a spirit itself but the result of spiritual energy’s effects on electronics, in this case causing a camera to malfunction and produce strange light patterns in this photo.

An orb in motion appears behind a Group 1 member as activities with the pendulum were taking place.