Below are the most significant examples of EVP captured by NPIS in terms of clarity and historical significance. This page will take about 1 minute to load due to the amount of audio evidence posted. Once loaded, all audio will be cued and ready to play. We appreciate your patience.


Butler-McCook House (Hartford, CT)

EVP – “Get out of here! It’s not your book!”
While investigating Mary Sheldon’s room, investigators were looking through her journal dating back to the 1850s.  While reviewing our audio material from that evening, we came across this forceful “Class A” EVP.  While speaking with a historian afterward, we learned that Mary Sheldon was very protective of her privacy and belongings and possessed a short temper.  We can’t say for sure this EVP is Mary Sheldon but the audio combined with history makes for an interesting theory.

Smalley Inn (Carmel, NY)

EVP – *Sniff, sniff, sniff*…Can you take me home?”
We investigated Smalley Inn on two separate occasions.  This EVP was captured in the basement. One investigator was holding a digital camera in which its wrist strap was swinging wildly as the camera was being held perfectly still. Upon asking if any entities were touching the camera’s strap (or “string”, as you will hear in this audio clip), we received this “Class A” sniffling/sobbing EVP.

Philipse Manor Hall (Yonkers, NY)

We have investigated Philipse Manor Hall multiple times and on three separate occasions, we’ve captured what appears to be the same female spirit saying “Hi”.  Below are those three audio clips.

EVP – “Hi” #1

EVP – “Hi” #2

EVP – “Hi” #3

This EVP was captured  by the front door.  The land that Philipse Manor Hall now sits on was once Native American property.  Since this clear EVP can’t be understood, it’s possible it may be in the language of a certain Native American tribe once prominent in the area.

EVP – “Stay the **** outta here. You’re gonna piss me off!”
While attempting to communicate with a spirit said to be residing in the basement, this foreceful EVP was captured in response a question asked by one of our investigators, Mark.

EVP – “Lynda”
Investigators were in the basement attempting to communicate with the spirit who left us the forceful EVP (posted above) from our previous investigation of Philipse Manor Hall. One of our investigators, Lynda, felt a touch, followed immediately by this EVP.

Deacon John Grave House (Madison, CT)

EVP – “Toy”
While walking through the first floor with a digital audio recorder, this EVP of what appears to be the voice of a child was captured.  There is documented evidence of children passing away in the home (now a house museum) in the 1700s.  One theory is that the child may have seen the recorder as a toy, as it is small and was being held at what would be considered a child’s eye level.

Farnsworth House (Gettysburg, PA)

EVP – “Did you hurt him?”
While just inside the front door, we captured this EVP.  The Farnsworth House was taken over and used by the Confederates when the battle of Gettysburg hit residential neighborhoods.  Is it possible these words were spoken by one Confederate soldier to another regarding an injured Union soldier during one of the bloodiest battles of the Civil War?  Sure, it’s possible though unfortunately can’t be proven.

Sheffield Island Lighthouse (Norwalk, CT)

EVP – “Yes”
While joining another team on this investigation (in which a sensitive was present), this little girl’s voice was captured while the sensitive was explaining what feelings she was picking up from the little girl in regards to her fear of her parents arguing.  The girl appears to be agreeing with what is being said about her.  (The background humming is a boat and the beeps are the sensitive’s camera as she scrolls through her photos while explaining what she feels).

Deep River Public Library (Deep River, CT)

We have investigated the Deep River Public Library multiple times and on three occasions in a matter of ten minutes one evening, we captured the below strange EVP while one of our investigators was having a conversation with the library director.

The library director’s friend was to join us one particular evening. Prior to the investigation, introductions took place in which the library director’s friend repeated our names in an attempt to remember the three investigators present at the moment (Adam, Barnaby and guest investigator Mike). During a pause in an effort to remember Mike’s name, the name George can be heard in a breathy whisper. It is interesting to note that the land the library is built on was purchased by George Spencer in 1825 before George’s son, Richard, built his home (the current library) on the land in 1881.

While conducting an EVP session on the third floor, this shouting EVP of what appears to be the word “Liar” was captured just as the library director entered the room. We were given special privelege to investigate the library after investigations were no longer allowed of the property. Could this spirit be calling the library director a liar for allowing one final investigation after already stating no more were allowed?

Shanley Hotel (Napanoch, NY)

EVP – “Ken”
We had a guest investigator named Ken with us this evening. During equipment setup in the Great Room (part of the Common area), we captured this EVP of his name being called out.

While investigators were in Emma’s Room (one of the four rooms in what was once the area of the hotel used as a bordello), one investigator commented on feeling like there was some kind of energy present from the room across the way. This EVP of what appears to be a woman was captured in Emma’s Room immediately after his comment, though the two words are unable to be understood.

EVP – “Love you”
While still in Emma’s Room, this EVP was captured. It was captured just outside of Rosie’s bedroom, the live-in barber’s daughter who died at 4 years of age due to drowning when she fell into a well on the property. Could this male EVP be Rosie’s father telling her he loves her? Due to the speed of this EVP, it has been altered. Below is the original audio, then the EVP cropped from the audio and then the EVP slowed down.

Original audio

EVP cropped from original audio above

EVP slowed down

While alone in Emma’s Room later in the evening, one of our investigators, Adam, asked if any women were present. This female response, which resembles a name spoken, was captured though can’t be deciphered.

EVP – “Yes”
We had left a recorder on the bed in Maddie’s Room on the third floor. The floor was vacant at the time this EVP was captured.

Phelps Tavern (Simsbury, CT)

EVP – “I  know”
In an attempt to communicate with the spirit of Fannie Phelps, one of our investigators, Adam, introduced himself to Fannie upon entering her bedroom during our first visit to Phelps Tavern. Upon our second visit, he returned to Fannie’s bedroom to again introduce himself. This EVP was captured immediately after his introduction during the second visit.

EVP – “Have a drink”
Phelps Tavern contains what is called the “Card Room”, a room used for entertaining visitors to the tavern. Cards were played and drinks were served in this room under the tavern’s ownership at the time by Jeffrey Phelps around 1820, who personally oversaw the activities in the Card Room. During our second investigation of the tavern, investigators had just finished investigating the Card Room and were heading upstairs to another room when this EVP was captured. Could this have been Jeffrey Phelps offering them a drink? Unfortunately, we can’t say for sure whether it is or isn’t Jeffrey himself.

Hitchcock-Phillips House (Cheshire, CT)

While attempting to communicate with what is believed to be a child’s spirit in the Toy Room of the Hitchcock-Phillips House, a guest investigator was asking for the KII meter to be touched, to which a voice appearing to be of a child responds.

During the same EVP session as above, with the guest investigator again attempting to communicate with a child’s spirit, the KII meter’s lights lit up at his request, accompanied by static interference on an audio recorder which lasted for the duration of the KII’s spike.

Raymond-Fitch House (Wilton, CT)

EVP – “Why?”
While placing a digital audio recorder on the bed in Suzannah Lambert’s room and explaining that we’d like to communicate with Suzannah, if she happened to be present in the room, a female response of “Why?” was captured.

Eells-Stow House (Milford, CT)

EVP – “James”
After noticing that spirits will sometimes become active while music is being played (as was the case during a previous investigation in which two investigators performed a piano duet), an investigator sang her question of “Is there anybody in here?” to which a response of “James” was captured. Below is the original audio followed by just the EVP slowed down. The Milford Historical Society, who runs the Eells-Stow House , is researching into who James might have been and how he may have been connected with the property.

Original audio

EVP slowed down

Harrison House (Branford, CT)

EVP – “Vegetable”
Upon noticing the table set with period dishes and silverware in the dining room, a casual discussion about dinner began which resulted in an EVP session in which the question, “What kind of soup did you eat?” was asked. This response of “vegetable” was captured.

EVP – “Leave him to it!”

This incredible EVP of a spirit verbally copying what one of our investigators, Kyle, had spoken was captured in a second floor room in which a strong presence had been felt earlier in the investigation. You will hear Kyle say “Leave him to it”, followed by this forceful EVP of a spirit repeating what he had said in a mocking manner.

Leffingwell Inn (Norwich, CT)

EVP – “Lovely, Hannah”
A girl named Hannah Tracy Huntington is said to have passed away at Leffingwell Inn at the age of 9, the year unknown but thought to be during the 19th century. This original audio may be tough to decipher (the slowed down version is more clear), but it sounds like some to be the voice of someone saying “Lovely, Hannah”, as if complimenting her on something. There is a beautiful sampler created by Hannah at the inn. Can this be what is being referenced in this EVP?

Original Audio

EVP slowed down

EVP – “Oh yes”
This EVP was captured in the tavern room. To many who have heard this audio, there is much agreement that it sounds like a woman moaning “oh yes”, as if in an act of intimacy.